Ski 93 TripsNew England’s Largest Ski Tour Operator
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1. Contact Ski 93 Trips to discuss options for your group. We will answer questions and offer suggestions to assist you. We will also mail you more specific details at this time.
2. Once you have made your selection, reserve your space. We will hold your reservation for ten days without obligation. We will send you full details about the trip and a booking form.
3. Within ten days, return the completed booking form, together with your initial deposit, in order to confirm your reservation.
4. We will make updates to your original booking form, as deposits are received and any changes are made.

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Ski 93 Trips Tour & Travel, P.O. Box 382, Raymond, NH 03077 / (603) 665-9650 / Toll-Free 1 800 451-1830